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Thank you for your help with the Class Baskets!

Please fill out and submit the form below to make sure your basket is in the auction.

Please deliver your basket during auction set-up on Thursday or Friday.

Please follow these guidelines when filling out the form:

*Item Name
Use the format: Xth Grade, Room Y - Mr./Mrs. Teacher's Class Basket. Kindergarten should state Blue or Gold rather than room.  TK should state TK only.

*Estimated Value $
Enter the total value of all items in the basket.

*Item Description
Describe what is in the basket.  This information will be displayed on or next to the basket (may be edited for length).

Any information for the Auction Chair

*Select "Individual Donor" and "No" for the anonymous question.

*Enter your contact info and submit.

Thank you!

Class Basket Submission

Item Information
Contact Information