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We are so excited to announce this year's Raise the Paddle/Fund-a-Need cause.

We are raising funds to Upgrade Safety and Security at St Cecilia. Our priority is to update the 18th Ave and Vicente St gates. With your help, we will replace gate operators, replace vehicle sensors, install new motorized gate openers, and replace 3 pedestrian gate keypads.

Any surplus in funds will go towards additional safety and security measures such as adding lights in the yard and near entrances, adding security cameras, and other safety features as needed.
Upgrading safety measures benefits everyone at the school including faculty, staff, students, parishioners, and families.

Together we can do this!

StCecilia Non-Profit Tax I.D. # 94-1156785

All proceeds directly benefit the students at StCecilia School

Please inquire with your company to find out if they offer a matching program - many companies, big and small, have this available to employees. Company matching can significantly increase the overall funds raised at the event. Please send your employer matching forms to: StCecilia School 660 Vicente Street San Francisco, CA 94116 Attn: Spring Fundraiser

I would like to make a donation upgrade Safety & Security at St. Cecilia
