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The Down & Derby Fundraiser is SOLD OUT! Thank you for your support!

General Admission Ticket Sales

**General admission tickets include seated dinner at unreserved tables** 

Reserved tables are only available through Sponsorships.  If you plan to reserve a table, please do not purchase general admission tickets, rather purchase a Sponsorship.  Upon purchase you will be able to list the people who are to be seated at your reserved table, either at the time of purchase or at a later time. These people do not need to purchase general admission tickets separately as their admission is included in the cost of the Sponsorship.  

If you have already purchased general admissions tickets and would like to apply them to a Sponsorship please email scspringfundraiser@gmail.com.

Drink Tickets
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Unlimited Drinks Band $0.00

5 Drink Tickets $0.00

Cash Donation

I authorize St. Cecilia School - San Francisco to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event *2016 Fundraiser Down & Derby. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.