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Bull Riding Competition
Congratulations to Our Current Bull Riding Competition Leaders! Congratulations to all the classes and thank you for everyone’s incredible generosity. Here are the rankings coming out of the class fundraiser: 1st place – Kindergarten 2nd place – 8th grade 3rd place – 1st grade 4th place – 2nd grade 5th place – 5th grade 6th place – 6th grade 7th place – TK 8th place – 3rd grade 9th place – 7th grade 10th place – 4th grade Together the classes raised more than $38,000! What an amazing contribution and these funds will make an incredible impact for our children and our school. The ultimate 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of the class parties will be announced after the bull riding competition takes place.
How To Win The Bull Riding Competition:
The Overall Best Score out of 30 points will be the Grand Prize Rodeo Winner, earn a shiny trophy, and most importantly – bragging rights to last forever! AND… your kids are going to love it too because 1st, 2nd and 3rd place bull riders will win a party for their children’s grade- 1st Place: Pizza Party, 2nd Place: Ice Cream Party, 3rd Place: Movie Party
There are THREE components to earn points.
1. FUNDRAISING (1-10 points): The grade that brings in the most money per student at their pre-party event will be awarded 10 points towards their Bull Rider’s overall score. Second place will get 9 points, third place will get 8 points, etc. The top 3 fundraising grades will also receive a SPECIAL advantage for their Bull Rider during the competition.
2. STYLE & CROWD APPEAL (up to 10 points): The rider who can arrive in style, dressed to win, playing it up in rodeo fashion; think Urban Cowboy, getting the crowd pumped, will be awarded up to 10 points by our rodeo judge.
3. RIDING TIME (1-10 points): Each Bull Rider will get two rides (ONE HANDED RIDING ONLY!), the best of which will be counted to your final score. The Rider with the longest ride/time will be awarded 10 points, second longest, 9 points, etc. down to 1 point for the shortest time.
Good Luck to our Riders…May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!!
THANK YOU to our Sponsors...